La Vie En Rose 2007

La Vie En Rose


Release Date

Hong Kong

Original Title
La Môme

Hong Kong Title
La Vie En Rose

Plot Synopsis

Edith Piaf (Marion Cotillard), the greatest French chanteuse, was abandoned by her alcoholic café singer mother and sent by her traveling acrobat father to her grandmother, who ran a brothel in Normandy. God wouldn't allow her singing talent to lie buried. Cabaret owner Louis Leplée (Gérard Depardieu) discovered her in the street and gave her a memorable stage name La Mome Piaf (The Little Sparrow). She sang from streets to cabarets and music halls, from working-class Paris to concert halls in New York. In the process, she has lost her daughter, her boxer lover, and her health, but her longing for love has never been destroyed nor altered.


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